Decrease or eliminate pain caused by tension and stress.
Increase flexibility, mobility, and range of motion
Increase strength and power
Improve balance and coordination
Improve posture and appearance
Get the benefits of a deep massage without deep pressure
Wind down and relax.
Release tension and stress
Remove aches and pains caused by tension, tightness, and stiffness
Use as a dynamic warm-up before activity, e.g. running, fitness, or sports
Use as a cool down after activity
Pain-free – stretching should NEVER hurt!
Personal evaluation – ESSENTIAL to reach goals fast.
Customized, NOT standardized for YOUR needs.
Hundreds of stretches to personalize your experience.
Session cost is not based on price but on VALUE.
Fascia is the body's connective tissue system that penetrates and wraps around muscles, nerves, organs, and almost everything else in your body. That’s why FST positively impacts your body, mind, and spirit!
· Improved quality of life.
· Reducing pain from lack of mobility & flexibility.
· Faster recovery from fitness & athletic activities.
· Traction – produces faster & greater gains in flexibility and mobility.
· Flow – the FST method moves your body like nothing else.
· NeuroMyoFascia Technique – the most comprehensive way to achieve optimal function in your neural, muscular & fascia systems.
· Trained at the Stretch to Win Institute – the GOLD standard for assisted stretch training in the industry.
· Over 100 hours of training required before certification.
· Ongoing continuing education required to maintain certification..
· Research of FST first completed in 1997 with founder, Ann Frederick, at Arizona State University.
· In 2017, research at the University of Arizona Medical School on the effects of FST on chronic, non-specific, low back pain showed significantly improved outcomes.
FST supported by extensive evidence-based studies
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